Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Leaving A Legacy"

"Leaving A Legacy" is our Festivals' theme for 2012.  We feel this theme can be universally understood, and expressed by individuals, families, communities, nations and Continents.

What does leaving a legacy mean to you?   Have you benefited from someone's legacy?  What legacy do you want to leave?  How important is leaving a legacy to you?  These are all questions and ideas we would like to ask and discuss because we feel that what each of us do individually and collectively impacts us all.

To promote this discussion, we have commissioned our 2012 featured Fine Artist, Ramsess, to create an original work of art which displays some aspect of the notion of  leaving a legacy.  This image will be used on all our promotional materials, and official festival merchandise.


Ramsess is an accomplished, and prolific, self-taught fine artist that works in various mediums, including stained glass, painting and handmade art quilts.  He is also a milner.  He has an extensive product line that includes original fine art as well as prints, calendars, greeting cards, coloring books, T-shirts and hats for men.

We hope you connect with our theme and join in on the discussion below..

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  1. The Legacy I want to leave is to DIE EMPTY. They say the cemetery is the richest place on earth b/c people die without ever sharing or passing down their gifts, talents, abilities and knowledge. I hope to leave a legacy of not just financial wealth but also a rich legacy of wisdom, knowledge and skill sets.


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